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Seven Tips For Being A Good Neighbor & Community Member.

  1. Know your neighbors. The people closest to you will be the first to help you when needed, so take some time to get to know your neighbors.

  2. Always, always, always pick up after your dog. Even in your own yard. Each and every time.

  3. Don't let your cats roam and defecate in neighbors' mulch beds and/or kill local wildlife.

  4. Know where your children are and what they are doing.

  5. Be aware of your surroundings and the effect you have on them. Don't park where it blocks your neighbor's view, prevents the mail from being delivered or blocks traffic. Don't walk through other people's yards. Don't peek into windows. Don't stand outside screaming. Don't pick flowers out of neighbor's yards. To put it simply—be a good neighbor.

  6. Be kind. Always. You never know what people are going through.

  7. Contribute to the community. Join a committee or start a club to meet neighbors with similar interests. Bridge and card games, mahjong, soccer and knitting have been popular clubs in many communities.

Image of houses on a suburban street

Ultimately, it's all about being personally responsible and setting the example of the type of good neighbors you want to live amongst. You chose your community for a reason, so choose to be the best community member you can be.

Looking for ways to be a good neighbor?

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